
Dark or Light

Correspondent - Opinions on Customizati

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Age of Conan Correspondent Jean-Francois Doyon writes this article giving his own opinion of the customiztion in Funcom's flagship title.

Back in the days of glory of single-player games, your introduction to a new game would usually be the tutorial, or the first mission in the game's campaign. In the world of MMORPGs, your introduction to the game usually has one more step before you can jump into the action (not counting installation issues, server crashes and unbelievably long patching times, which are in the best of cases an annoyance, and in the worst of cases an introduction of the game to the trash bin): the character generation system. This system fulfills a need that most players will have; the need to give their avatar in the world a look they like and to differentiate themselves from other players, much like the need to wear a dress or a suit that isn't worn by everyone else in a reception. As the technology available to game makers becomes more powerful, players are also asking for more freedom to make their characters look the way they like.

Read the whole article here.


Jon Wood