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Age of Conan: Unchained

Eidos Interactive | Official Site


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Age of Conan: Unchained Articles

Age of Conan: Unchained Receives Onslaught Update

Age of Conan: Unchained has received its first major update in years, called Onslaught.

Funcom Kicks Off 11th Anniversary Event in Age of Conan

From now through May 30th, Funcom is celebrating the eleventh anniversary of the debut of Age of Conan. Players can head into Hyboria to take part in a number of events, check out several returning classic quests, participate in community events and have a chance at taking home a brand new pet and mount.

Age of Conan Players Can Celebrate the Upcoming RTS in Unconquered Mode

Age of Conan is celebrating the upcoming release of the realtime strategy game, Conan: Unconquered by giving players an opportunity to try a new game mode. In "Unconquered" mode, players create a new character, mark them as "unconquered", "level up, and earn rewards". However, the catch is that unconquered heroes are hardcore. If they die, it's permanent.

Saga of Blood is Coming on September 27th to Age of Conan

Funcom has announced that its next Age of Conan Saga Server (a limited time server) is coming on September 27th. Called Saga of Blood, the limited-time PvP ruleset server where players will create a brand new character, play through a Saga Quest and complete objectives to earn "exclusive cosmetics and high-level PvP gear". Players will also be able to try for a shot on the leaderboards and much more.

Celebrating 10 Years of Age of Conan

It's hard to believe, but it's been 10 years since Funcom unleashed Age of Conan on the world. The team is getting ready to celebrate during an event that will begin on May 16th and run through June 5th. Players who take part will earn a Golden Lion of Aquilonia mount for free through June 14th as well as daily event rewards, Spoils of Victory Anniversary Edition, Classic Anniversary content and the permanent addition of Black Ring Citadel on raid finder.

Saga & Crom Servers to Merge on May 15th

The Age of Conan site has been updated with an FAQ for Saga server players to let them know that the journey on the limited-time server is coming to an end on May 15th. The Crom and Saga servers will be merging after maintenance that day. Saga players will keep all items that aren't tradepost or in mail. Funcom has provided a handy FAQ for players to answer the most common questions about the forthcoming merger.

All About the New Saga Server with Jon Devers

This week we had the chance to talk with John Devers from Funcom about the Age of Conan Saga server. Here is what he had to say!

Saga of Zath is the New Limited Time Server Set to Release on January 24th

You may remember that late last year, Funcom announced a new Age of Conan server type: the limited time server. In a new post on the AoC site, details about how the server works and how you can get involved have been posted. The "Saga of Zath" server is set to launch on Wednesday, January 24th if all goes according to plan and it will be live until May 15th.

Funcom to Launch Limited Time 'Saga Servers' in 2018

The Age of Conan Facebook page has a brief note to let players know that 2018 will see the launch of "Saga Servers". Saga Servers will only be live for a limited amount of time and players can earn special rewards for completing objectives. "All players will start with a fresh new character that will be transferred to Crom after the saga server's live period ends".

Ninth Anniversary Celebration Extended to June 5th

Funcom has announced that the ninth anniversary celebration has been extended to June 5th. Players can take advantage of the free level 80 character boost and character slot. In addition, several shop items are on sale for 30% off throughout the event.

Celebrate AoC's 9th Birthday with a Free Level 80 Character

Funcom is ready to celebrate the 9th birthday of Age of Conan. By way of thanks to the community, everyone logging in between now and May 31st will receive a free level 80 character boost and an extra character slot. In addition, one character per account can claim a special cache with Atlantean Shards inside as well as gain double shards in raid chests. Lastly, the Shadows of the Past event makes its return.

Raid Finder, Membership Updates, Loyalty Program & More

Funcom has unleashed a big new update to Age of Conan that brings a large number of changes to existing systems as well as a few new ones in the process.

Eighth Anniversary Celebrated with Free Pet

Funcom is inviting players to check into Age of Conan to help celebrate the eighth anniversary of the game's launch. As part of the anniversary fete, players will be able to claim a free wicked looking lizard.

Good News & Bad News In Latest Producer's Letter

After yesterday's launch of the Pit Master's Arena, a new letter from the producer was published on the Age of Conan site. In it, several planned enhancements were outlined for the forthcoming months and one big piece of bad new was announced: The long awaited Crafting Revamp has been shelved indefinitely.

Pit Master's Arena Mode Arrives - A Whole New PvP

Age of Conan has been updated with the Pit Master's Arena that allows for 'traditional' player versus player action but also features player pets versus game pets / creatures. Players can use pets they've created to fight creatures from all over Hyboria to earn other pets, necklaces, faction mounts and more.