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Dev Intro and Wallpaper

Jon Wood Posted:
News 0

Adellion breaks a 3 month news silence to bring us a developer introduction and a beautiful wallpaper. We look forward to regular updates now that Mephi is in charge of Adellion.com. 

Well, I think it is finally time for me to introduce myself.
I've been hiding behind the scenes of Adellion for sometime now, mainly looking after the team's server application needs, and I've now taken over responsibility for Adellion.com website information.

Over the coming weeks, months and years, I'm going to be pushing the rest of the adellion team for news and content. It's been too quiet on this site and I'm going to show you how we're getting on.
If there's anything you want to see, or if you've got any questions about anything on the site, feel free to drop me an email.


Adellion has also posted 4 in-game footage movies. You can check those out, as well as everything else Adilion, by clicking here.


Jon Wood