
Dark or Light

New Resource!

Mark Schembri Posted:
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Here's a quite update on eGenesis' fantasy MMORPG...thanks to Isleir:


It's Saturday at midnight. As I'm writing to you, gold has just been
discovered in Egypt. Gold wire, easily forged from debens of pure gold is
a critical component of several technologies. These include technologies
and skills for greatly increased charcoal production, pyrotechnics,
terrarium construction, and others. The most profound of these, by far,
may be Minting.
Players new to ATITD often wonder where are the Platinum coins, Gold
Pieces, Pyraels, Credits, Rupees or Simoleans. We have none - it's a pure
barter economy. Furthermore, I've said that ATITD will never have "money"
- at least not in the sense of any other game.
Minting lets you invent your own money. By building a Mint, (moderate
project for a dedicated solo player), and with some papyrus paper and a
bit of ink, you can print "Scrip." You can print a 10 JoeBucks note, or,
for the same amount of paper and ink, print a 1,000,000 JoeBucks note. The
only thing the system does is makes sure nobody else can take the same
currency name that you have created (prevents forgery).
The trick is getting other people to value your Scrip. On the surface,
this seems like an impossible task, and I'll leave that as a puzzle for
all of you to solve. Will this new toy be tomorrow's Student Loom, or the
most dramatic change to the game since we set down our first brick racks?
Interesting times are ahead.
I have more to say, especially about a new solo/casual friendly Test of
the Human Body, "The Test of the Acrobat." But it's getting late, so I'll
save that for another day.

Wind on the Nile,
Teppy (Pharaoh)
Josh (Nekhmet)
James (AmenRa)
Geoff (GeoffTut)
Ricardo (Potiphar)
Ed (EdTut)
Dave (Orpheus)
Joe (SickJoe)


Mark Schembri