
Dark or Light

Exclusive Q&A and Two Screens

Dana Massey Posted:
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Barry Hoffman of Spellborn International drops by to answer a few of our questions. This is part one , with the second half of the interview appearing next week. There are also two exlcusive screenshots.

MMORPG.com: Many references have been made to "puzzles" which "unlock" doors in the game. Are you talking about puzzles along the lines of the Myst series? Could you elaborate on what we can expect of these "puzzles"?

Barry Hoffman: Our subtitle already says it all: ‘What lies hidden must be found’. It is not so much about physical puzzles, but exploring mysteries, lore and background. Solving the riddle what has happened in the past and you will see the present world in a different manner as parts of the world get more meaning for the player. And by knowing history the player understands what to do next or gets access to new parts of the world.

We envision our world not as the biggest world to explore in miles of walking, but more in what is to be found out about the world.

There will be much interlinking in the game through time and space for both individual and groups.

Click here for the full interview.


Dana Massey