
Dark or Light

Skills and Fanaticism

Jon Wood Posted:
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Tactica Online has added another in their continuing series of skill profiles. This time, they let us in on a few class-specific abilities as well as some more information on their fanaticism system. 

Today's skill update, at least in part, builds on the fanaticism details released earlier this month. Before we get to the next fanaticism cycle though, those fond of skulking in the shadows get another tool to assist the mystics in Confusion; warriors get another way to make you keep your distance in Riposte; and archers get a way to mitigate one of their biggest weaknesses in Point-Blank Shot.

This fanaticism cycle rewards a focus on your faction - the higher your fanaticism, the greater the benefits they give you. Of course, keeping a high fanaticism involves it's own tradeoffs . For the clerics, a Guiding Hand is the reward for their devotion; those mystics at one with the universe veritably Radiate power; and scientists who value Exhaustive Preparations will find their machinery much more easily deployed.

For all the news on Tactica Online, click here.


Jon Wood