
Dark or Light

A Look at the Looks of LotRO

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Lord of the Rings Online Correspondent Andrei Harnagea writes this look at the different factors that make Lord of the Rings Online a visually appealing game.

The term "graphics" has been widely identified with a number of aspects of a game's engine and game play since the creation of the first coin-operated arcade machines. In the 21st century, the era of MMOs, we can identify some specific traits which correspond to a concise definition of what makes a game look good.

Modelling is the first step of creation and that leads to the general sculpted shape of sets, characters and weapons. The rigging and texturing allows for the characters to have a "skeleton" and a skin through which they can be manipulated into moving. Finally, the animation allows the movement, fighting and interacting between players and makes the game immersive. It is necessary for a development team to master all of these steps in order to make a game aesthetically pleasing to the public and, so far, LOTRO has done a tremendous job at keeping Tolkien's legacy not just in the storyline but also in mood and visual impact.

Read A Look at the Looks of LotRO


Jon Wood