
Dark or Light

PvP Consequence Overview

Keith Cross Posted:
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Funcom has published a detailed overview of the new PvP Consequence system which turns players who prey on weaker players into wanted murderers.

With the introduction of the PVP Consequence system killing a weak and innocent player now generates murder points.

If a player is ‘grey’ to you and outside your PVP range then they are considered an innocent.

* Attacking an innocent player immediately flags you as a criminal. This flag lasts 5 minutes and is refreshed on subsequent criminal attacks. * Attacking a criminal, free prey or murderer will not affect your status. * Killing a murderer or criminal will not generate murder points.

Accumulating 100 murder points will flag you as a murderer. The number of murder points generated by any given kill depends on the difference in level between you and your target. The maximum amount of murder points allocated for a single kill is capped at 35 points.

Read more here.


Keith Cross